Aşıq Ələsgərin 200 illik yubileyinə şagirdimizin baxışı
AshigAlasgar was an Azerbaijani mystic troubadour and highly regarded poet of Azerbaijani folk songs.He was born in 1821 in the village of Aghkilsa in the Goycha District of the Erivan Khanate. Ashiq Alasgar grew up in a big and poor family with three brothers and two sisters. He was the eldest son of the family. His father Almammad worked as a carpenter. At the same time, he was also known as with his intelligence in literature. Almammad was fairly good at poetry genres such as Gerayly, Qoshma and Bayati. It is predicted that Almammad had a huge impact on Alasgar. Due to the financial difficulties in his family, Alasgar was obliged to work on the farm of a rich landowner, KarbalayiGurban when he was 14. While working here, Alasgar fell in love with 12 years old daughter of KarbalayiGurban. But due to his social background, he was refused to have such a relationship with agha's daughter and after some time Alasgar was fired. Alasgar spent his childhood in the village of Aghkilse and was uneducated. But despite this, he was able to learn the secrets of ashiq art from the elderly ashigs in his village. Also he was playing saz with using his left hand. Ashiq Alasgar is considered one of the great representatives of Azerbaijani folk poetry. His poetries in Gerayly, Qoshma, Mukhammas, CighaliTecnis, Giphilbend genres have influenced to ashigs of next-generation after him. AshigAlasgar was almost a master in branches of ashig art and contributed a lot to Azerbaijani literature. Alasgar wrote his first poetries in his adolescence period. Shortly after, his father encouraged him to learn ashig art from one of the famous ashigs in Goycha district, Ashig Ali. After a long term preparation, Alasgar had a chance to participate in a wedding ceremony in his village with Ashig Ali. In that event, everyone appreciated the intelligence of Alasgar as he was able to defeat his instructor Ashiq Ali in a debate and that event made Alasgar very famous in Goycha region and neighbouring districts. He actively participated in several wedding ceremonies important events in Iravan, Nakhchivan, Gazakh, Garabagh, Ganja, Kalbajar other regions. Due to concussion from his first love, Alasgar did not marry anyone until he was 40 and then married a girl named Anakhanima from the village Yanshaq in Kalbajar district. In this period of time, AshigAlasgar was busy with different activities in order to take care of his family. In spring and summertime, he was engaged in agriculture, small construction works and carpentry. But despite all of the above activities, he spent most of his time to the ashig art and wrote several poems. Alasgar was known not only in Azerbaijan but also as a master of ashig art in Turkey, Iran and Dagestan. Alasgar completed his later life in misery and suffering. In 1915, he lost his brother's son and also his son-in-law at a very young age. After a year, his son Basir murdered the reeve of the village and could escape but instead, several people were arrested from Alasgar's family. During the period of 1918 - 1919 conflict between Azerbaijanis and Armenians, Alasgar was forced to leave his motherland and migrated to live in Kalbajar and then to Tartar districts. In 1921, he returned to Aghkilse and continued to reside there for the rest of his life.
AshigAlasgar died on Aghkilse on March 7, 1926.
Let me introduce to you one of his famous poems.
Let me surround you with care,
Your dark eyes, Ceyran
I am burning with desire
Deliver me from this suffering, Ceyran.
With the saz, with the saz, my fawn,
Let the partridges in the mountains murmur,
If I could not care for you openly,
Then let me care in secret,
Oh my love, let me care for you.
I am Alasgar, let me love,
Let me sink into the vast ocean of love.
I have caused offense, but I will win your favor
By imploring you, Ceyran.