Azərbaycan Respublikası Təhsil Nazirliyi, Azərbaycan Respublikası Rabitə və Yüksək Texnologiyalar Nazirliyinin "Azərpoçt" MMC birgə Ümumdünya Poçt İttifaqının tövsiyəsi ilə ümumtəhsil məktəblərinin şagirdləri arasında aparılan inşa yazı müsabiqəsində məktəbimizin 7B sinif şagirdi Məmmədli Səməndər Ələmdar oğlu I mövzu - Kiməsə məktub yaz və izah et: Sən hansı bir dünyada böyümək istərdin? inşasına görə I yerə layiq görülmüşdür. İnşa yazını təqdim edirik.MammadliSamandar7th grade studentSchool No 207Azerbaijan, BakuEssay competitionFebruary 18EssayWrite a letter to someone and explain: What kind of a world would you like to grow up in?I would like to live in a world with my dreams, with kindness and peace. It is true, we have these in the world we live in, but the world, or better to say the people living in our world have bad features as well. In my world I would like to have none of these bad features, even in little amount. In my world good has to defeat evil. Everybody has to be one and live in peace. There shall not be wars, occupations, massacres in my world. Peace has to be there always. People shall be mild and caring to each other. They shall not be cruel or brutal against one another. No person shall deprive another one of life. Do we have the right and authority to kill or torture another person?! We are not God, we have not created them and we cannot take their life. If that person has some fault we can punish him though that punishment shall not be harsh. This is how I wish my world to be. But the world we have now has nothing of what I wish. Hundreds and thousands of people are killed each day. But why does this happen? What is the reason? In fact we people do it. When one sins, the other person behaves like him. Why to be a bad example to each other?! I wish that everybody affects each other positively in my world. Alike the world we live in now, in the world I will grow the young generation shall respect elders. It has to be this way. But in the world we live in, along with disrespect we often witness how young people beat, hurt or forsake the old ones. None of these shall be in my world. In my world everybody shall be educated. Even if they don’t get formal education they shall have some occupation or specialty. Nonetheless they shall respect their job, they have to be hardworking and love what they do. Such people become happy for the key to happiness lies in hard work and respect for what you do. Like a proverb says, “He who does not work, neither shall he eat”. In my world everybody shall be this way.In my world nobody shall be opressed. Poor people shall not bow before wealthy people since they are both human. Everybody goes to one place – to grave after death. Nobody is going to take his wealth with him. In my world there shall not be selfish, arrogant, bitter, cruel, brutal and criminal people. My world has to be clean both spiritually and ecologically. It is not appearance, beauty, novelty that is important but inner cleanness of the world and the people living in it. In my world people have to save the world and keep it clean. It all depends on us. When the environment is clean both people and other living species shall be healthy. In my world there shall not be factories and harmful industries otherwise they shall be built in places with no people and have lots of trees planted around them. This can prevent pollution and the environment shall not be harmed. In my world people shall live with the slogan, “Our life depends on us.” Everybody shall live a joint, prosperous and beautiful life. Life and living is wonderful. We shall realize how precious it is and evaluate it. We shall see beauty in life and try to be positive. When we are positive we can serve as a positive example to other people as well and the whole world will live happily. My world shall be like this. In my world, nobody shall be annoyed. Nobody shall violate others’ rights. How dare we to violate someone else’s rights?! Everybody has a freedom to live freely. In my world I would like love to overcome evil. Nobody shall want what belongs to another person. Nobody shall gain his living in a forbidden way. I wish my world is not ruled by bad people. The heads of states shall not violate people’s rights but defend them. They shall be just not corrupt. People shall be happy with them. In my world everybody shall plant a tree every week. We can save and make the nature more beautiful then. All living species shall be healthy and my world shall be greeen. In my world nobody shall cut trees and build buildings on it since plants are life, the reason we are alive. In my world there shall be no atheists! It is true, I respect all religions, nevertheless Islam shall be the leading religion in my world. Yes, people have freedom to choose their religion but we have only one God. He has given everything to us as well as the holy Quran. We all belong to him and shall believe and refrain from doing bad things. In my world there shall not be Oil Rocks. People want to get oil and pollute living species in seas. We have to realize that they are living, too. They also have beaing hearts. Killing them is similar to killing a human being. Yes, we use them to feed ourselves but we can not destroy them so brutally. My world shall be like this! This is the world i dream of. Unfortunately the world we live in now is not like this, yet I wish that everything will be fixed and everybody will be happy! I love both, my dream world and the real world and try my best to protect it!
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